Monday, August 4, 2014

Tips For Healthy & Kissable Lips - What Must You Avoid?

Tips For Healthy & Kissable Lips - What Must You Avoid?
whatever I see, a set of healthy lips appears to be kissable by itself. As I mentioned in my previous article on lip color change, healthy people have reddish, averaged moist and shiny lips, isn't it a picture of sexy and inviting pouts too?

health issues could reveal on the lips, when we finally try to workout a healthy and kissable lips, close attention has to be paid on daily diets, body workout, lifestyle besides direct care and protection of our lips. Let us start with things to avoid.

Never Be A Night Owl
Research has shown that we need 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night to maintain good health. 11pm-2am are especially crucial for healing of damaged cells and rejuvenation of skins according to TCM. As lips skin is much thinner compared to facial skin, the effect of sleep deprivation could be more prominent on it. Lack of sleep is a form of stress which leads to lower body immunity. So, don't be a night owl and overworked to avoid darkening, drying and infections of lips.

Stop Smoking

Nicotine in cigarette stains our lips besides teeth.
The longer we smoke the darker our lips become. Smoking risks our health and in turn affect the appearance of our lips too.

3. Avoid Outing Under Hot Sun

UV rays in sun is a major
cause of aging and burn on lips. Avoid sun bathing or outing under hot sun but UV rays present even in cloudy days, so, wear a lip balm or daily conditioning treatment for lips with sunscreen before you decide to step out of your house.

Do Not Use Old, Expired Lipstick

Basic formulation of lipstick contains pigments, oils, waxes, emollients, colorings, fragrances and so on. Apparently, synthetic chemicals which tend to decompose after certain period of time are included in most lipsticks. Hence, watch out the expiry date
of your lipstick. Also, wear only reliable brands of lipsticks with no harmful ingredients such as lead and butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP).

Cut Down Coffee & Tea
Coffee and tea cause darkening of lips but not at a significant extent as smoking does. Cut down the consumption however if you drink more than 2 cups a day. Replace these caffeinated drinks with healthy fruit juices for healthier lips.

6. No Licking Please

Don't lick your lips
when they are getting dried. Saliva will evaporate eventually and leaves your lips dryer as well as cracked. Chapped lips sufferers especially need to consciously stop the action.